Thursday 16 August 2012



Gandhi is considered as the father of Indian independence. He fights the discrimination, oppressions, injustice using the concept of non violence and want to reuniting the people of India.  He tried so hard to do that but for me, he failed. Even though he practicing non violent way to protesting against injustice but the Indians still using the violence to get the independence for their country.  Even Gandhi is killed by the Indian. It happened because of what? Not united.

Reuniting the people is not an easy task. For my opinion, to reuniting the people of India are not only depending on him but the Indians itself.  They should cooperate in making things success.  Gandhi tried his best in order to reunite the people of India.  Even though Gandhi failed to do so but without him, India will not free from British grip. India will not gain independence without this failure man.


In my opinion, Gandhi is responsible for the tragic end of his eldest son, but he could not be blamed for the pathetic life of Harilal that caused him to the death as a dishonorable man. Maybe sometimes Gandhi being unfair towards Harilal and make him felt sad and give up but he can’t live that way. He should not despair and always improving himself to be a better man.  Firstly, I thought that Gandhi should be blamed for neglected his own son but then I realized that yes it is his fault not giving his own son to study abroad and have better education but Harilal should be matured and have to move on without depending too much on his father. Gandhi devoted his life to India and had sacrifice lots of thing. As a son, he should understand and have to be strong so it won’t lead himself to a destructive life. Gandhi can’t be blamed for the tragic end of his son, Harilal.

Saturday 4 August 2012


"Don't make people into heroes, John. Heroes don't exist. And if they did, I wouldn't be one of them."-Sherlock Holmes

“I am not a psychopath, I’m a high functioning sociopath!”        

Sherlock Holmes, a detective who is briliant and attentive to details is actually a sociopath plus empathy man. Even he is always care to the victims whom are involved in the crime cases which he handled, sometimes his insensitivity does hurts his colleagues by making fun in his ridiculous ways.  Maybe that is the way he make jokes (well, he is not a sociable type - not good at joke!).

Even he is rude, he is deeply intact with his emotion when he at his helping hands towards John (flat mate cum colleague) who often seek assistance whilst doing his routine even when John in a deep s*#t. The other two friends Holmes do care a lot besides John is Hudson and Lestrade. 

For me, sometimes an empathy man type do like play a girlie music instruments, LOL. Do not be surprised, Holmes played violin! He even composed music! 

His disorder mood makes me hard to guess whether he is empathy or sociopath.

I would rather say Sherlock Holmes is man of mix of both and that makes him to be remembered as one of the great character in fiction world!


Eureka Moment While Watching TEST YOUR BRAIN

1st Game:

I thought I am giving all my focus on that first game, well, I have been deceived.  My focus is all about the dollars.  I guessed that something might change or happened when the dollars were flipped. Damn. Nothing happened.  When the narrator explained by showing step by step of the scenes, then I realized that, there were changes happened but not about the money.  The background, the hat and the handkerchief were switched.  Yes, I am been fooled.

2nd Game:

Not even two changes I have spotted the differences when the scene changes.  I am focusing on too much; meaning I cannot focused at all when scene turned black on and off. I believed that I am in what Mr. Dan mentioned just now as change blindness.  What he said is true, people focuses in what counts.  People put their attention on what there have been spotlighted.

3rd Game:

At first, I didn't expect the other man was underneath the table. I thought the second man was the same with the one that greet the first guy. Well, actually I had failed to notice and not aware of the surroundings. Peoples failed to spot the switched because they not expecting something to occurred so sudden like in the 3rd game.

4th Game:

I am managed to count two items stolen.  I did not realize wallet and mobile phone were silently taken from   the bearded guy.  I was deceived by the movement of Mr. Apollo. He moves around the guy frequently and his hands moved fast as he talked.  It was deceiving and stole my attention he tries to steal items from that guy.