Saturday 4 August 2012


"Don't make people into heroes, John. Heroes don't exist. And if they did, I wouldn't be one of them."-Sherlock Holmes

“I am not a psychopath, I’m a high functioning sociopath!”        

Sherlock Holmes, a detective who is briliant and attentive to details is actually a sociopath plus empathy man. Even he is always care to the victims whom are involved in the crime cases which he handled, sometimes his insensitivity does hurts his colleagues by making fun in his ridiculous ways.  Maybe that is the way he make jokes (well, he is not a sociable type - not good at joke!).

Even he is rude, he is deeply intact with his emotion when he at his helping hands towards John (flat mate cum colleague) who often seek assistance whilst doing his routine even when John in a deep s*#t. The other two friends Holmes do care a lot besides John is Hudson and Lestrade. 

For me, sometimes an empathy man type do like play a girlie music instruments, LOL. Do not be surprised, Holmes played violin! He even composed music! 

His disorder mood makes me hard to guess whether he is empathy or sociopath.

I would rather say Sherlock Holmes is man of mix of both and that makes him to be remembered as one of the great character in fiction world!


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