Wednesday 24 October 2012

ALIEN ? hallucinating or what?

Its ridiculous! I am totally disagree with their claims. Small wooden bird is a proof that alien exist ? because of the shape that has wings and 'I want to fly' description prove the existence of aliens? maybe the Egyptians didn't meant its the alien but their scientist over acting by saying its because of the alien craft. for me, its just a small wooden bird, maybe the Egyptians meant its freedom. birds often associated with the freedom. 
Other than that, the stone that scattered around around the place. its irrelevant caused by the aliens. that the proof of existence of aliens? hallucinating or what? alien doesn't exist.  

Monday 8 October 2012

i love you FAST FOOD

Fast food is not the main cause of obesity and all around the world. After watching ‘supersized me’, I can see that the problem comes from them. Their attitude, they taking too much fast food and did not do exercises. If they took lots of fast food but then if they do some exercise it will burned the calories and of course they will not be fat! Fast food is not the sole cause that contributing to obesity. As you all know, there is lots of factor that may lead to obesity such as lack of exercises, excessive taking of fast food without doing some exercise will absolutely making you fat. Other factor of the obesity is the genes.  Genes and behavior may both need for person to be overweight.  Other than that, some illness may lead to obesity and or weight gain.  You don’t have to be afraid taking fast food but always remember that don’t be too lazy to do exercises and stop blaming fast food.



In my opinion our current prime minister, Datuk Seri Najib tun Abdul Razak is continuing his father legacy primarily in affirmative action.  He shows that he concern about Malaysian people by announced his campaign ‘1 Malaysia’ which is everyone is equal, it means that Malaysian people is uniting without care about races, gender, and so on.  Malaysians will gain lots of benefits by that campaign. His father, Tun Abdul Razak also work very hard to make Malaysians unite. He launched new economic policy (DEB) to help Malaysians to increase their standard of living. However he is still focusing more on Malays. Just like his son, they are both wants Malaysian lives peacefully.