Wednesday 24 October 2012

ALIEN ? hallucinating or what?

Its ridiculous! I am totally disagree with their claims. Small wooden bird is a proof that alien exist ? because of the shape that has wings and 'I want to fly' description prove the existence of aliens? maybe the Egyptians didn't meant its the alien but their scientist over acting by saying its because of the alien craft. for me, its just a small wooden bird, maybe the Egyptians meant its freedom. birds often associated with the freedom. 
Other than that, the stone that scattered around around the place. its irrelevant caused by the aliens. that the proof of existence of aliens? hallucinating or what? alien doesn't exist.  


  1. your explanation too simple, but i understand and agree with your points! there are some evidences that lead to the existence of aliens but, the evidences are nonsense.

  2. yes, alien never exist..maybe its only their imagination
