Sunday 11 November 2012

ancients behaving badly : JULIUS CAESAR

Gaius Julius Caesar is a dictator of Roman republic.   Caesar formed a political alliance that was to dominate Roman politics for several years. Caesar was a successful and he conquered everything.  He is very proud.  However all the vices committed by him were unnecessary in order to safeguard the superiority of Rome as the greatest civilization in the ancient world.  He watched tens of thousands of women and children died because of starvation. He wants to protect his army. It shows that Caesar is inhumane. He killed lots of people just because of to keep their army to do the bad things; clearly shown that he does not have the feeling of humanity to other human being. 

Moreover, he was a depraved and hideous man because he slept with many women including his friend's wives. He also asked his soldiers to slaughter the people with no mercy. How could a human act like an animal? In my opinion, Caesar was a bad ass and he supposedly being killed in other evil way.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with you, kesuma :) Caesar was a bad ass and he supposedly being killed in other evil way.
