Sunday 11 November 2012


Brutus is Caesar adopted son, Caesar loves Brutus. He gave Brutus what did Brutus deserves to but Brutus joined with Cassius to assassinate Caesar.  It seems inhumane and Brutus shouldn't kill his adopted father who is care and love him like his own son. Brutus may seem like heartless and inhuman but actually he is noble man.  He killed Caesar, he killed the animal. 
Caesar was a dictator, he killed people with no mercy, he didn't respect woman and he treats people more worst than animal. What will happen to Rome if Caesar still alive and constantly do the bad things? It would be a disaster! Rome will dirty with blood of innocent people, and Brutus loves Rome. He don’t want Rome fall for someone who is evil.  Brutus did the right thing when he killed Caesar, it’s not that he doesn't love Caesar but that is for the Rome sake.  Brutus knows that Rome will be worst if the dictator of the Roman public Julius Caesar not eliminated. Brutus is an honourable man. He killed the man who caused much death and brings harm to the Rome.


  1. that's true :) Caesar is very cruel and he has no humanity !

  2. yes, that's true, caesar cannot be great dictators of Rome

  3. yeah i agree that Caesar should be killed by Brutus because as we know Caesar is a cruel dictator person and by killing Caesar all people around the world can feel release from evil person that too eager to conquering the world.

  4. yes i do strongly agree that caesar should be killed because he is too heartless and selfish, only think about his needs. he dont even care about others feeling. it can be conclude that caesar is not suitable to be a leader.
